What's The Deal With Broccoli Sprouts? -Heath Benefits | Fit4Mii

What’s The Big Deal With Broccoli Sprouts?

Health Benefits Of Eating Sprouted Broccoli & Other Vegetables 

Cruciferous veggies like broccoli, Kale, watercress all contain Glucoraphanin & Myrosinase.

Sprouts of these veggies, produce high levels Sulforaphane when digested by the gut. Sulforaphane triggers the body to produce more Glutathione . Glutathione is a powerful anti-oxidant in our bodies

Part Of The ¨Big Deal¨ With Broccoli Is That Sprouts Can Increase Glutathione Which May:

* Reduce symptoms of Parkinson’s.
* May help to fight auto-immune illnesses.
* reduce oxidative damage in children with autism .

PLUS a lot of other possible positives!

Sprouts are super easy to grow at home, in jars.
Just grab a jar, pop in some seeds and fill jar half-way with water. In a matter of days you will have sprouted veggies that you can eat!

Green4Mii health shakes contain Kale Sprout & Broccoli Sprout (as well as many other anti-oxidant ingredients!) to promote general health and well-being.

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Green4Mii is no ordinary green shake – this high fibre combination contains 35 organic green foods, fruits, berries, herbs, seeds and bio-active enzymes in a single serving – organic vegan nutrition made easy, with naturally high food form vitamin C content, as well as plant protein.
A great all-round supplement to support immunity, digestion (bulk), energy levels, cleansing, detoxification and alkalising of the body.

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