Monday Motivation Quotes | Boost Your Week | Fit4Mii
cream background with a woman stretching in front of a wall. the text above her reads ¨yoga begins right where I am, not where I was yesterday, or where I long to be¨. That was quoted from Linda Sparrowe

A bit of motivation to start off your day!

A little bit of motivation to start off your day / week. This may be a quote related to Yoga, but we feel that it also applies to any type of health or fitness Goal. 


You must start where you are: not where you hope to be. Yes,  you may be able to run faster, squat deeper, lift heavier, and feel better after training for 12 weeks. But you will never get to that point if you don’t start right now, and right where you are.

#HelloMarch #MondayMotivation

As Linda Sparrowe says: 

¨Yoga begins right where I am, not where I was yesterday, or where I long to be.¨  Starting is half of the battle, and a little b it goes a long way.

Begin where you are, not where you were, not where you want to be. Keep your chin up to the sky and keep your heart open for good things to flow your way this month. 

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